Lots has happened since yesterday afternoon. So much so I’ve been too busy to do anything but help Milo.
Milo wanted to be up more and moving around in the afternoon. He wanted to try and drink more. He had chicken broth for dinner washed down with apple juice. Mmmm. He also had an x-ray of his facial bones.
He bedded down pretty early last night and had a good sleep until about midnight. The midnight to 5 am shift was a little rough for the both of us. He couldn’t get comfortable. His throat hurt. His mouth was dry. He wanted fluid in his mouth but it hurt too much to swallow so it would dribble out. Hard night.
This morning though he was tired of this game and we chatted with the nurse. I appreciated the nurse because instead of giving us a bunch of choices and saying ‘what do you want to do’ she said, ‘the best course of action is XYZ’. Awesome, let’s do it!
Within about 20 minutes Milo was feeling so good he asked when he could leave. Yeah. So now we are working on the check list of things to do before he can go. Keep enough fluids down by mouth to stay hydrated. Take all his medication orally instead of through IV. Walk unassisted. Input and output need to be pretty equal.
They took out one of his IV’s and turned down the IV fluids so it would stimulate Milo’s body to want more fluids by mouth.
Doctor Park came in to chat with Milo and answer any questions. Milo being Milo wanted to hear from the doctor what he can and can’t do. Not from mom. Dr says NO pool. No budging on that. Wanna drive. Sure!! WHAT??? No way! He also said Milo could ride a bike. WHAT?? Oh a stationary bike. He didn’t know kids still owned bikes now a days. Doesn’t everyone go to the gym??? Love this doctor. Carole and I decided we’d like to hear what he has to say about driving when his kids are 16 and older….
All in all Milo has very high spirits and is keeping me very busy. I just barely ate breakfast as I’m typing this because Milo has needed so much of my time. But I don’t mind. He’s worth it. And once we get home there will be no more one on one time with mamma. He’s gonna have to wait his turn. :o/
Today is a 50/50 chance as to whether or not we’ll go home. It all depends on his progress and what time he completes all the boxes. I’m 50/50 on going home too. I want him to be healthy and not need so much one on one. I also want him to be pain free. He’ll listen to the people here. And it is air conditioned here and 100 degrees at home with no air conditioning…
But home is where the family is. It’s quieter at night. It’s more peaceful. Less poking and proding. There is love and hope at home. Plus the T.V. is bigger.
That Milo has always been a girl magnet. Better watch out Milo, your grandma now knows there was a cute blonde in your bed at the hospital.
Love you.