June marked the beginning of swim meets and the ending of school and dance. You’d think with things ending my life would free up a bit. But no. It just gets filled with other activities. :o)
As a good excuse for my family to do some fun things we haven’t done in a while, I invited my brother’s kids to come stay with us for a couple of weeks and have a Cali vacation. Their lives have been pretty upside down for a while and I thought this would help them be kids just playing and having fun. My youngest nephew and my niece were able to come. My two older nephews had too much going on to be gone that long. Anyway, I think the vacation was fun for them!! We had to do swim team practice every morning but we spent the afternoons going on field trips or swimming or playing games here at home or whatever. It was super fun!!
While at the fair we watched pig racing and BMX bike tricks. We went on rides, competed in a tractor pulling race, saw animals (big and small) and ate lots of junk food! Super perfect day!

Perfect day at the fair. The kids were awesome. They are all at a stage when I get tired before they do! We were at the fair for nine hours and they begged to not leave when it was time to go.
Amazing as always. We had friends and cousins. So fun!!

Not sure why Niah started doing this but she was just sitting there meditating for good chunk of time.

I just LOVE sunsets on the beach. When we planned the trip we were going to try and be off the beach by 8pm. We left at 10:30pm. Again the kids were just having so much fun and being so awesome, it was worth it to stay.
Caitlin and Patrick missed father’s day with their dad but helped Scott feel loved. The kids cooked him breakfast in bed and used the new Star Wars place setting that the they bought him for father’s day.
After church everyone enjoyed root beer floats in honor of Father’s Day. We had lunch and then went off to visit Grandma Ackerman and Great Grandpa Sutherland’s gravesites in honor of Father’s day. Caitlin told us lots of Grandpa stories. She is REALLY good at it.
After that we headed to the temple. That was super fun too. We enjoyed the fun new visitors center and the beautiful clear day.
We went bowling multiple times. After one of our bowling excursions, we went and played at Lake Elizabeth. The kids had a great time.
Always a favorite!! Who doesn’t love as many jelly belly beans as they want. Of course you can’t go home without lots of bags of belly flops.

This was one of our first field trips and Patrick was still recovering from lack of sleep and long car rides. Poor thing. But he slept all the way home and until the next morning. He felt great after that!!
We went swimming a few times while the cousins were here. Thank goodness for such good weather!!
Swim meets are always fun. Not for a long time, but the energy on deck is contagious, even for the spectators.
Jaime and Keri had their annual dance recital. Awesome as usual!!

Jessie, Jaime, Katie and Sister Clark. I just feel so loved when friends come and watch my kids perform.

Food after the performance. We didn’t realize the store had closed and we were just chatting and laughing and having so much fun. They had to come and ask us to leave… Oops.

We were so honored that Joey came. He doesn’t get to be home very often so his home time is sacred. We were so blessed to have both him and Gayle come. Love you Dertings!!

After performance ice cream. We’ve been doing this since Jaime’s first dance recital. Such fun family time.
Keri celebrated her 8th birthday!!
Since I was going to drive my niece and nephew back to Utah we made it a family trip. Better than that, it ended up being the same weekend as Sloan’s baby blessing. So, for the first time in X years the whole Thompson family was together! It was awesome. We got some good pictures. Before the blessing we went to church with my brother’s family. Steve was still at the “stay at home stage” but it was fun to spend some time with my sister in law. After church we went to my brother’s house and hung out with him and had dinner. It was a super fun (and fast) weekend.

The day before the blessing we spent hanging out with Great Grandma Thompson and Grandma and Grandpa Thompson. It was so fun to see everyone.
Jaime spent two weeks at BYU dance camp. She had a BLAST!! She almost didn’t want to come home… She’s going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE college.
Alix went on her Y.W. camp 4th level hike. She LOVED it and it was a beautiful hike on the coast of California. I was so jealous I couldn’t go…

Compass activity on the beach. Sun is out, waves breaking on the sand. **sigh** would love to be there right now. :o)
Milo achieved the rank of Life Scout.

I think Scott did more for this advancement than I did. But they honored me. So here is Scott’s honor: Good Job Scott!!
Silly Shots:

We were invited to a wedding and I got to sit across the table from Harrison Ford! I finally got the nerve to ask him if we could take a picture together!!
I so need to blog!! Love the update and…Harrison Ford?? Way cool!