Sami's World


Jaime’s Dance Recitals

on June 16, 2013

Jaime has had a couple of dance recitals in recent months. I don’t have pictures of her dance recital with Starting Arts but her dance was AWESOME!!

Her dance class with the city was awesome too. Her class danced 4 dances in the recital. That made it worth it to go and watch.

Jaime did great as always. The outfit was….interesting as always! And I got the rehearsal on video, as always. So if you want to see the video of Jaime dancing, please email me and I will send you the link.

Jaime’s friends that came to watch her recital

Jaime’s class. Kinda small this year!

Finale. If you know where to look (right side and right after the little kids in the front) you can see Jaime.

Can you see her now??

Jaime’s old dance teachers (Mrs. Gentry’s helpers). Ms. Christina and Ms. Tracy

Current Dance Teacher, Ms Jessica.

After recital ice cream and french fries. Good Job Jaime. 9th year down, headed into your tenth year of dance!

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