Sami's World


Master Squared

on June 17, 2013

Well, Scott is officially done with school. As of Friday June 14 Scott holds 2 master degrees. He’s worked so hard these last two years and has done well. He is interviewing like mad. We hope to have a job very soon. We know the Lord will take care of us, just as He has our entire marriage, but we’ve really felt His love and guidance these last two years.

Really?? Two??

The face only a wife could love… :o)

The commencement exercises were wonderful. Scott’s parents came to support his accomplishment and be dragged all over for two days, Thanks Guys!!

Enjoy the pictures, there are lots of them. I couldn’t help it, it was such a fun day!

My graduate. How cute!

Yay! Our daddy is all done!

With finding a job! Yay for us!!

So happy! So DONE!!

Scott’s home for two years.

“The Cave”, Scott’s second home for 2 years.

Yellow was my favorite color when I was a kid. Who knew it’d be the color that represented Scott’s degree.

The stage set up was beautiful

It was SUNNY and HOT. There was a very nice cool breeze that made cameo appearances every once in a while….

Staying hydrated and looking for some shade

We had to get there early. The kids were pretty tired before it even started. But they were SO GOOD!

Jaime keeping cool

weird angle on the picture, but that staircase was streaming with graduates for a full 8 minutes. There were 700 people graduating. The youngest was 20 and the oldest was 78. This graduation was only for Master Degrees and Doctorates.

Waiting by his chair for the rest of the graduates to file in.

Waiting his turn to go on stage to be hooded.

Stepping up to the platform…

Getting hooded!!


Shaking his professor’s hand

Graduated!! Yes!

So Tuff!

So strong!

So smart….

2 Responses to “Master Squared”

  1. Denita says:

    WOOHOOOOOOO! Awesome job Scott! You look so happy– Mr. Awesome.

  2. Jill says:

    YAY for Scott! Thanks for giving me some motivation as Jake starts his master’s program in August! Scott looks so happy and you sound so proud of him. What an accomplishment to earn TWO degrees! Love his shirt, too. So appropriate for the occasion.