Sami's World


Sucessful Christmas

on December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve has been a favorite of mine ever since we started our yearly tradition of having a homemade pasta meal with my great friends the Richie’s. Erika grew up with that tradition and she doesn’t have too many family members close still so we help make the party bigger! We joke that as long as she keeps inviting us, the party will continue to grow!

The first Christmas Eve we spent with them, I was pregnant with Milo. My how time flies!! Anyway, we had a great time. We got stuck in some traffic and our normal hour drive turned into 2 hours. But it was worth it. The food was good, the company great and the spirit of the evening wonderful.

After the awesome meal and YUMMY desserts, the kids opened a few gifts and the adults played a game.

It was a great night and we got home LATE. That was ok though because the kids went to sleep on the way home and stayed that way after we put them to bed. Well, everyone BUT Jaime. She just can’t sleep when it comes to Christmas. She was in our room at least three times between midnight and 6:30am. She hopped in bed with us at 6:30am and finally at 7:30 am another sibling arrived. Jaime reminds us so much of the fun and innocence of a child. After we put all the kids to bed, Scott and I finished up last minute things and then Scott went to midnight mass with Joey. He says he had a great time and I’m glad he had the experience. I went once with Erika about 7 years ago. It was a good experience for me and I am glad I went.

Christmas morning was full of all our wonderful traditions. As soon as most of the kids were awake and gathered on our bed, we watched the movie Joy to the World. After that was over we read Luke 2. We had family prayer to thank the Lord for all our many blessings. Scott and I took this opportunity to bear our testimonies too.

Then the kids lined up and we headed downstairs. Since we got such a late start, the kids wanted to start with their stockings. Our tradition is that Santa provides breakfast in our stockings and so we don’t make anything new or special till lunch time. It worked out great.

The kids got enough in their systems to tear into their gifts. This year, since we have laminate flooring, each kid brought down their own blanket so they wouldn’t be too cold sitting on the floor.

We had such a good time opening gifts and enjoying the simplicity of it all. The kids each got one big gift from mom and dad, a few little gifts from siblings or friends and then we got family gifts from Santa.

Scott got new jeans!! Lucky guy!

Jaime got a digital camera. It was the best $20 we’ve ever spent!!

Alix got a super deluxe art kit. She can’t wait to do school so she can get out her kit. She added her school supplies to the kit so it’s all in one!!

Milo got 3 pairs of super hero pajamas and a sword.

Niah got a new baby doll and a pair of pajamas.

Afton got a refrigerator magnet from Leap Frog that helps her match farm animals.

Sami got a Flip digital video camera (best Google perk yet!).

Keri got wrapping paper!!

As a family we got a play dough kit, 4 new Nerf dart guns, the movie Nim’s Island and about 20 new books. We spent the rest of the day playing with all our individual gifts, family gifts and watching our new movie.

Scott made a half batch of rolls to take to our friends house for Christmas dinner. All in all a very successful Christmas day.

About 5 pm we started getting ready and headed to our friends, the Salcido’s, for dinner. Melissa did a GREAT spread of ham, potatoes, green beans, and pie. We brought a fruit salad, green salad and rolls. It was so fun to be together with such wonderful people. We truly are blessed. We don’t have anything to fear as long as we are prepared and rely on the Lord continually. I’m grateful for my family, for the gospel and for Jesus Christ. I enjoy this time of year when everyone focuses on Christ all at the same time. I love the increased friendliness of those you meet on the street. We love you all.

3 Responses to “Sucessful Christmas”

  1. Denita says:

    Sounds like so much fun! I’ll expect some picts from Jaime, some awesome art from Alix, and video clips on here from you!! :-)

  2. Mande says:

    What a great day! Merry Christmas!

  3. Mande says:

    Kay apparently I don’t have your email. You know by looking at them you would think they would work like they do. That being said you just put a mini marshmallow in the mouth piece (which is sticking out on the side) and blow. They shoot a good distance with little effort. Ian was shooting me from the front door while I was in the kitchen. A good 20 feet. It’s crazy they make the turn in the pipe every time. Great project for the kids. Once the pipe is cut they are just put together. Not even glued. That is fun because they can modify them later if they want. Now what to make next year.