Sami's World


Another First

on July 7, 2013

-This post is out of order, but I wanted to blog about it now-

Well, for the first time in 14 years, we had a child need stitches because of an injury (Milo’s stitches don’t count!! :o)

Keri had 3 stitches above her right eye. Apparently her and Niah were goofing off (maybe fighting) after their shower and Keri slipped and hit her head on the bathroom counter.

Of course she starts screaming right away. Afton comes down and very calmly says ‘Mom, Keri has blood.’ Of course someone ALWAYS has blood, so I told her I’d be there in a minute.

Afton runs upstairs. I figure I might was well make sure they aren’t getting blood on the carpet and head upstairs. Keri has blood???? Keri is GUSHING blood!

I get the blood under control and realize it’s a VERY clean cut. I most likely would not have taken her in but it was hours before we were going to leave for 3 days to be on Trek and I didn’t want my kind friend, who would be taking care of Keri for us, to have to deal with any reopening or emergency trips because we didn’t go ahead and take care of it.

I was hoping the doctor would just glue it, but she said it was too deep and had to give Keri stitches. Keri was brave for the most part, but did shed a few tears, scream a bit and lash out. The doctor really wanted to put in 4 stitches, but Keri was not going to cooperate. But really, it went well…

Worst part of the whole thing?? No pictures. NOT ONE!! Because of the timing, taking pictures was not the first thing on my mind. So now the stitches are out, the wound is healing nicely and no picture proof. *sigh* Guess we don’t have to document everything with pictures. Sometimes the right words can paint a good enough picture.

Is it always the last child??

One Response to “Another First”

  1. Denita says:

    Poor Keri!! I guess she’s going to have some good stories to tell when she’s older!! And I don’t mind the no pictures on something like this– yech!