I love December. It’s a time for thinking about family, God and His son Jesus Christ. It’s a time of goodwill toward men and having warm and happy thoughts about everyone you meet. I also love this area that we live in. There are so many places to go and things to do that all remind me of Christ and what He did for me so that I can be where I am today. I love Christmas time. I love December!!
-I had an unexpected but much enjoyed visit to Utah to help with Steve who had been in the hospital for 4 weeks. I had such a delightful time engaging with my nephews and niece, spending time with Steve in the hospital and enjoying the company and conversations with Joy. All in all a wonderful trip under the circumstances that took me there.
-Decorating for Christmas as a family is always so much fun!
-Our annual ward Christmas Breakfast. The kids always love participating in the nativity portion of the event.
-The adult ward Christmas Party that included a rendition of the 12 days of Christmas featuring the best of some of our ward members. So fun!
-We made our annual trip to the Crech exhibit
-We made our annual trip to the Bethlehem reenactment

This is one of my favorite parts. The angel literally appears out of nowhere to talk with the shepards. It’s awesome!
-We went to temple hill and saw the lights, enjoyed the spirit and heard a magnificent concert by Mr. King.

We went to the Visitors center and watched the presentation of A Savior is Born. It was really good.

Then we walked around temple hill and saw all the lights and froze our behinds off. But it was so worth it. I love taking the kids to the temple.

Then we went into the auditorium and watched the Richard King concert. One of Milo’s scout buddies, Jason Hale, had a piano solo during the concert. What a cool accomplishment for him.
-We did our annual volunteer service to the Family Giving Tree.

I love being the the warehouse and seeing all the gifts that will make little boys and girls so happy come Christmas morning.

One of our jobs this year was to go “shopping”. Keri had fun picking out things for little girls around 7 years old.

Jaime and Jessie ended up in a back room sorting and wrapping and listening to music. They loved it.
-Attending the family Christmas party at Scott’s work

Milo stayed home to watch Lincoln. Jaime and Alix were both at school. It was geared for the younger crowd anyway.
-We celebrated my birthday

The only picture of my birthday. But boy was that cake good. We took a regular cake mix and added crushed candy cane, then we added more crushed candy cane to the frosting. It was super yummy!
-We went to Christmas Eve Dinner at the Richie’s house

Performing their talent so they can have dessert. Our newest tradition. 3rd year now. I love the tradition.

It’s amazing to see this picture. The first year we did this we had two little girls and I was pregnant with Milo. Look how grown up everyone is.
-We had a quiet, peaceful Christmas Day at our own home

Scott loved his presents. He is so easily impressed. I’m so glad because I’m not a very good gift giver.
-We went and visited my sister a few days after Christmas
-A date night with Scott to see the new Star Wars Movie
-We had a fun party at the Butt’s house on New Year’s Eve
Oh Awesome. Love the yoda! Sounds like fun.