January marks a fresh start for me. I’m always excited to get the new year going right. I try to make goals, I try to do better with school and my church calling and just try to be better in every aspect of my life. Then reality hits. :o)
Jaime got a job at Chic-Fil-A. Best job ever really. We don’t have to “fight” the Sunday battle. Since she is home schooled she can work anytime since “school hours” vary at our school.
Alix’s mock trial class had the majority of their competitions. 6 altogether. She “performed” in 3 of them as the Pre Trial attorney for the defense. She did a good job and improved so much over the course of the class. It was really fun to sit in the court room and watch the different teams do their performances. I loved watching it for little details that they could add in. So fun! Great team.
I got called as the Stake Young Women’s Camp Director. I’m already having so much fun!
Scott had a business trip to North Carolina. He loved it. He loved the area and the work he was able to do and the little bit of Scott time he’d get in the evenings.

On the back of each chair on the airplane you could get real time updates as to your destination. Very cool.
Our Annual trip to the Monterrey Bay Aquarium and Denis The Menace Park. We love this tradition!

Before we went into the aquarium we went to the beach. We saw hermit crabs and otters. The otters had just caught breakfast and enjoyed parading around with it.

A fun thing we did this year for the first time. We went to a seafood restaurant on the pier. So YUMMY!

Every year since Jaime and Alix were little, we have gotten a picture inside this clam. It’s fun to carry on this tradition. Unfortunatly I couldn’t find the very first picture, but below you will see the very first picture with Keri in it.

This was Keri’s first trip the the Aquarium. This picture is 7 years old. They have all grown up so much!
That last picture is how I remember your family!!! Do much fun! Love the updates!